Tips for Shy Guys to Impress Women

Published March 6, 2012 by paulxkahn

I am a shy guy. I don’t speak much. I can’t make jokes spontaneously. Would women like me? Would they enjoy going out with me?

A lot of people do say that women do not like shy guys and that might be true to an extent. However, having a flavor of shyness in your nature, you can help this characteristic work in your favor. If you don’t be the center of attention all the time, dominating the date and hogging it all, your partner might in fact like it. Because this will let her take the lead in other aspects, which she really enjoys.

Shy Guy Dating Tips
What would otherwise be the best dating tips for guys who are already good at picking up women might not really work the best for guys who are otherwise shy in nature. So here, are some quick tips to get you in the game:

  1. Fix that nervousness. Fake the confidence. Accept it that you will have to do something with that nervousness because that is what screws up the most of your chances. Most of the mess-ups are going to come about, while you are saying something. You may control this by making sure that you don’t speak much, at least, towards the beginning of the date. Do not just start talking about yourself, as if your date is there to listen to an audio book of your biography. True, she wants to know about you, but it’s not the thing that she had been waiting for all her life. Be prepared with some open-ended questions and let her do the most of the talking. You may take the charge once the nervousness has subsided. This strategy might not work when you are asking a girl out, but it will work for sure in this scenario.
  2. Make sure you are looking good. Dress better than you would on most of the occasions in your life. Wear a nice perfume. You don’t need to have Brad Pitt’s body, but spending some money on your clothes and accessories would certainly take you a couple of notches up on the appearance scale. This would definitely leave a brilliant first impression.
  3. Keep smiling no matter how you are feeling inside. You will have to cope with all those discouraging thoughts of failure and screwing up haunting your brain, while you are sitting there with her or just about to meet her. Try to keep them at bay. Think about what is going well, let’s say your looks. It is a known fact that such thoughts originate from the subconscious mind, so it takes some time to get rid of them permanently, but you can still avoid them by keeping a smile fixed on your face.
  4. Don’t be afraid of the outcome. Convince yourself that even if you completely ruin your chances of taking it further with your date, it is still not going to be the worst. You will have to go through multiple such dates, before you become the guy who every girl runs after.
  5. Have fun and make her too. Yeah, I know it sounds easier advising someone to have fun, when he is really having a tough time controlling the butterflies. But if you are onto doing something which you enjoy, it will make it a whole lot easier for you to contain the jitters. Pick an activity which is something, which you are good at and you can ensure that she will enjoy too. This will also be a nice change for her from all those coffee and drink dates. You might need to do some thinking and then preparation here, but I guarantee it will be worth the effort.

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